Monday, June 12, 2017

five other poems i submitted for contests

original poem [May 23, Windy]

May 23, Windy

Door slams
Again and Again
Plastic blankets in the construction sites
Rubbing against each other
Like starving brothers trying to gain warmth

In this cold windy day
Powerful and uncontrollable chaos
Hitting the earth with its greatest potential
One, Two, Three
Millions of them

I clutched the curtain tighter
And rolled into my old thick blanket

original poem [about "friendship"]

About "friendship"

The unbreakable bond
So tight
But yet so fragile
We all thought it would last long
Picturing two years
Five years
Ten years

One day
You loosened your grip on the mirror
Mirror breaks
And we all know that
shattered glass pieces cannot become a smooth whole again

Was depressed
But realized
Things and people you ask for
May not be what fits the best
And the best always stays and last

Failed friendships you’ve encountered
Are nothing but experiences that make you a whole
Lessons make you a better person for the up comings

Don’t be bothered
Don’t be tangled
Don’t try to read what people are thinking
Be truly yourself first.

original HAIKU [Thoughts after Hidden Figures]

Thoughts after Hidden Figures

Sweat drops late night works
Still, outsiders still trying

Silent protests win